Mental Health Foundation ACT

We have joined the 2023 Canberra Day Appeal to raise much needed funds for our charity!

This year, the Canberra Day Appeal’s 48-hour Hands Up for Canberra Giving Day begins on Wednesday, March 8. So please, give where you live and donate here during the 48h Giving Day donation drive.

Want to give now?
You don't have to wait - donate today!

Your donation will be doubled

Every $1 you donate will become $2 with matched funding available for the first $5,000 we fundraise ($10,000 total)

Please help us reach our goal #HandsUp4CBR

Raised so far


Our goal


About Us

For nearly 40 years, MHF(ACT) has been ACT’s leading community-based organisation dedicated to the provision of mental health services, providing accommodation, outreach supports, support coordination and recovery coaching for people living with mental illness and in possession of NDIS funding.

In response to the poor outcomes associated with toxic masculinity MHF(ACT) is proud to launch Reconxted - a contemporary, evidence-based Rites of Passage camp for teenage boys and their fathers (or male mentor - uncle, stepdad etc).

How your donation will help

Teenage boys often engage in risky behaviours, withdraw and lose connection from family, friends and the community or sometimes just lacking motivation and direction.

The years that mark the transition from teenage boy to young man are critical to the formation of a healthy, mature, mentally well man.

For most of history, boys were raised by the community with a range of male mentors and uncles to help guide them during this transition. But today, this is rarely the case.

And the result? A community of young men that have retained boy-like behaviours – withdrawing from family and school, being at risk of addiction (drugs, technology, sex and others), perpetrating violence and experiencing challenges with mental health

Reconxted is a contemporary, evidence-based Rites of Passage camp for teenage boys and their fathers (or male mentor - uncle, stepdad etc).

The boys will hear from a community of men, learning skills, processes and values they need to become a healthy young men and a respected member of his family, peer group and the wider community.

We are raising funds to support this important mission. Every $500 raised will send one boy through this life changing event and the whole community is better off for it!

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